Behavioral Health Integration

Incorporate CoCM and General BHI into your practice with total compliance.

Smartlink CoCM and General BHI are part of our single platform solution for delivering Medicare’s Care Management programs, including CCM, AWV, and TCM.

Our Behavioral Health Integration (BHI) solutions helps physicians and care management services teams deliver Psychiatric Collaborative Care (CoCM) and General BHI services efficiently and effectively, while maintaining program compliance.

Maintain High Patient Retention

Guided patient dialog keeps people engaged

Identify Trends & Intervene Early

Visualize validated rating scale scores over time


Staff Efficiency

Easy workflow optimizes the efficiency of your care team

The Behavioral Health Integration software application by Smartlink displayed on a laptop screen.

With Smartlink CoCM and BHI, you can manage all aspects of the service delivery with optimal efficiency. From scheduling to patient forms, Smartlink helps care teams stay on task.

  • Patient registry with scheduling and task management

  • Guided patient dialogue to keep patients engaged

  • Validated rating scales, trending over time for early intervention

  • Out of the box EHR integration

  • 100% CMS Compliant

Integrate with Your EHR

Smartlink integrates with over 90 EHRs and leverages interoperability standards for immediate interoperability with certified EHRs. Deeper integration is also available to automatically send new enrollment orders and regular C-CDAs. Additionally, after the service has been provided, the care plan and relevant forms can be added to the patient record and a billable encounter can be created in the EHR automatically.

One Platform. Five Medicare Programs.

Leverage Medicare’s AWV, CCM,  BHI, CoCM, and TCM in your practice with our comprehensive modular platform. Whether you choose to utilize one program or integrate multiple, our system provides seamless access to all five. Start with one and easily incorporate additional ones as needed and when ready, all from a single, user-friendly platform.


A father holding his daughter during a telehealth visit with a doctor.

Proactively care for your patients while creating a new revenue stream for the practice.

Service Providers

A father holding his daughter during a telehealth visit with a doctor.

Maintain a high level of productivity and customer satisfaction as you grow.


A father holding his daughter during a telehealth visit with a doctor.

Support your member providers in reducing the cost of care for attributed patients.